Days Until Conference Starts

June 27 – 28, 2025

Toronto, Canada

Our first annual conference on Building a Culture of Life & Dignity will take place June 27-28, 2025.   We will focus on frameworks provided by governments to measure the health of society.  In the last few years, efforts have been made to expand consideration of factors other than GDP.  We will also offer workshops on topics such as hiring for mission and fundraising.  We invite everyone involved in civic mission – from environmental and peace groups to civil rights defenders.





The Government of Canada has proposed a Quality of Life framework for use in defining and assessing policies.  The framework is organized into six domains:

  • Life satisfaction and sense of meaning and purpose
  • Prosperity
  • Health
  • Society
  • Environment
  • Good Governance

Each of the domains:

  • is to evaluated through the use of a number of indicators
  • is to be viewed through two “cross-cutting lenses:”
    • Fairness & Inclusion
    • Sustainability & Resilience

Details of the framework remain largely undefined, and the Government has called for public input.  Catholic Conscience means to encourage its collaborators and all Catholics to provide that input.

Who should attend?

Building on the success of our 2023 Conference, our goal is use the Government’s request for input as an exercise and first step in:

  • building collaboration and understanding among individual Catholics, parishes & dioceses, NGOs, professional guilds and associations
  • mapping an approach to collaboration with ecumenical, interreligious, and like-minded individuals and associations of all sorts

We also intend to present workshops in:

  • fundraising
  • hiring for mission

For more information
